The Karnak Temple

I'm going to talk about an experience of a lifetime. It was during my trip to Egypt. We visited lots of places, but the Karnak Temple was totally awesome.
Every day we used to wake up very early, before sunrise, to visit temples, museums and do different things. Sometimes it was a little bit dull because in the morning (and there, the sun rises around 5:30am) we usually were tired.

When we arrived at the temple, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The building was constructed before Christ and with rudimental tools, but I think it's the biggest old construction that I have ever seen.

My favourite part was the "forest of columns". This is a zone of the temple with more than hundred huge columns. It's breathtaking because people look very small between this kind of construction. Also, the columns are really beautiful since they have different kinds of drawings and Egyptian letters. The Karnak Temple is out of this world.
In general, the trip was absolutely amazing and unforgettable. I recommend everyone goes and discovers a whole new world.