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A Trip to Saudi Arabia

I went to Makkah in Saudi Arabia in 2008, I know it’s a long time ago but it’s an unforgettable journey! It was the longest journey I’ve ever been on.

My family and I went there by car and it takes at least 15 hours without the traffic. I wasn’t just with my parents and my sisters, but all my family such as my uncles and my other relatives. You have to do rituals but I was young, so I didn’t have to do all of them.

It is a breathtaking place! I envy people who live there. On the last day we went to Madina El Monawara and we visited Quba Mosque. There was only one thing, my father was sick and he couldn’t drive but we were lucky and my uncle drove instead of my father.

It was the first time I had travelled by car which was a whole new experience and of course I would like to go there again and by car because I found it more interesting.

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