Places to Visit in Turkey

Rahmi Koç Taksiyarhis Museum
Taksiyarhis Church was built in 1873 by the Turkish Greek Community on an old residual of Metropol (Anakent) Foundation on the Cunda Peninsula. This Museum is one of the most important museums on the Cunda Peninsula.
In 1924 Taksiyarhis Church was attributed to Michael and Gabriel, protective chief angels called Taksiyarhis by Greek Cypriots who were the majority of the population in the Cunda Peninsula. It was made in a neoclassical architectural style, an old popular way with one dome and was planned in a rectangular shape.
One of two tower bells survives until now from Taksiyarhis Church and it was made with garlic stones indigenous to Ayvalık and its surroundings. Unfortunately, in 1928 while being turned into a mosque from a church, ikonostas was changed, most of the figures were painted then it was abandoned due to an earthquake which happened in 1944.
In 1976, this church was considered important enough to be restored and it was announced that the premises was an asset that needed to be protected. Taksiyarhis Church is one of the most important monumental structures as a consequence of its restoration which was carried out between 2011 and 2014 by Rahmi Koç who was an old tycoon in Turkey.
Devil’s Table (Şeytan Sofrası)
It’s a very nice place that should be visited towards sunset and it is 2 km to Sarımsalı in the district of Ayvalık. According to a story about this place, the devil expelled from heaven explored this area while he was looking for a new heaven therefore his footprints remain where he stepped.
You can see all the Ayvalık islands and Midilli islands thanks to its wonderful location on the pinnacle of some rocks. Another story told about this place is that in the 1500s Greek Cypriots used to live under the rule of the Ottoman Empire in Ayvalık. One day a Greek Cypriot called Pelenelope settled there. For many years he lived there. One day as a result of a drought, the majority of Greek Cypriots began to accuse Pelenelope of rioting against the Church therefore their aim was to kill him. They gathered and went to the place where he lived. Then Pelenelope decided to prepare a succulent feast for them.
When the people who were starving because of the drought encountered the succulent feast, they started to gorge themselves and therefore, Pelenelope had a great chance to escape and he escaped.
Zeus Altarı
Homer spoke of the fact that Gods lived in Ida Mountain in Elijah Epic and they watched and ruled the Trojan War from there. The area which was named as Zeus Altar and Dede Tepe was carved out by the processing of masses of rock stones.
Saatli Mosque
In the 1850s, it was built as Agai Ianni Church in Ayvalık. After the foundation of the Republic of Turkey, it was converted to a mosque due to the requirements of people who migrated from the Balkans and settled here after migrating. Every details can be seen and there are no changes except ikonas on the mosque.
This ancient city was founded by King Cyzicus. In the Helenistic Age between BC 334-30 and in Roman times, they reached unreachable levels in art, architecture and especially in sculpture. From recorded sources, we can learn that in these ages, sculptors who processed marble very skilfully made palaces, many kinds of designs for palaces and shrines on behalf of Gods.
Hadrianus’ shrine was nominated as one of eight wonderful structure in the world and was designed and constructed by these architects. We can collate residual constructions that have historical importance and survive until now from Cyzicus:
-Hadrianus Shrine
-Kirazlı Yayla Abbey
-Altıköşe Towars
-Cyzicus Amphitheatre
-Shrine behalf on Apoolonis who was the queen of Bergama (it was constructed by her sons)
-Palata waterfountain
-Muhle Castle
-Agios Nicolas Church
-Seyitgazi Castle
Cyzicus has gigantic historical importance. In the past it was used as a storage place to store olive oil, wines, olives, silk etc by the Byzantine Empire.
According to Evliya Çelebi (the Turkish Marco Polo) who came here twice, in Ottoman Times, Erdek (present name of Cyzicus) has a significant fame for having 9 typical different wines, mosques and Turkish baths...