A review- Chef's Table
I would like to recommend a TV programme called "CHEF'S TABLE". Through each of the episodes, you can enjoy watching not only amazing meals by the chefs, but also the chefs' minds, thoughts and inspiration behind their passion for cooking. What makes the TV show interesting is each of the chefs’ profound interviews so that you can follow their stories.
My number one episode is about a Korian female monk, well she is even not a chef exactly but lots of famous chefs want to visit her to learn her cooking as her meals are surprisingly delicious and unique. She is a Buddhist monk so she doesn't use any meat in cooking obviously. And what I was surprised about and interested in is that she doesn't even use some ingredients such as garlic or pepper because they might affect our minds, as she says.
She makes every meal for the monks in her temple, using fresh seasonal vegetables and fermented ingredients. The recipes are based on traditional monks’ methods but she improvises sometimes to make them taste better or healthier by changing the way of cooking or the combinations using an enormous amount of natural seasoning. They look very healthy, and simple but beautiful. It's not luxury cuisine, but it looks like important dishes for human beings.
We are living in such a busy and a bit overwhelming world in its speed. So, if you enjoy being relaxed or meditating to calm down sometimes, I highly recommend this programme and it's an example of a way to become more healthy physically and mentally from this approach to cooking.